You are ALL cordially invited to
Sassy Studio Designs
Once Upon a Time Masquerade Ball
online blog party!
In celebration of our August 1st release!!!We are going to have challenges and games with lots of prizes.
We hope you will join our Ball and chat with our sassy seven, our 3 guest designers as well as Lindsay!!!!!
UK London time - August 1st 6pm - Midnight
USA EST - August 1st 1pm - 7pm
USA PST - August 1st 10am - 4pm
(this is Lindsay's time and when she refers to times this is what she goes by)
Hawaii - August 1st 7am - 1pm
Melbourn Victoria Australila - August 2nd 2 am - 8 am
(we have a very international following! and we definitely want to try and allow as many of them to join us as possible so there would be as little confusion as possible I tried to post as many of their time zones as possible.)
So mark your calender....you are not going to want to miss this one!!! Its like "Dream Come True....."
Now time for another sneak peak of the " ONCE UPON A TIME" collection ............
See you all at the Masquerade Ball !!!!